More musings about WVU Baseball and Greg Van Zant:
- Greg Van Zant is listed on CoachRatings.com with a rating of 1.0 out of 10.0; a "100% troubled" rating.
- WVU Statisticians are a joke
- If an outfielder makes a diving attempt to catch a "sure single" and misses (creating a double for the hitter), this is ruled an error!
- If a WVU player has a hit-streak, routine flyballs that are dropped by the opponents are ruled as hits to keep the streak going!
WeKnowMemes.com is becoming popular for the "what I actually do" posters. To avoid potential copyright issues with images, we haven't created a poster, but here's a Greg Van Zant "what I actually do" meme:
- What my family thinks I do
- Image of Tony LaRussa holding up trophy
- What society thinks I do
- Image of a coach waving a runner around third
- What other coaches think I do
- GVZ telling a player to bunt.
- What my players think I do
- GVZ telling a player to bunt.
- What fans think I do
- GVZ telling a player to bunt.
- What I actually do: